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相思街38号第五季 第五季 829播放 更新至02集

相思街38号第五季 第五季


0年欧美剧电视剧《相思街38号第五季 第五季》讲述Acacias 38' takes us to 1899 to narrate the story of a group of maids and the bourgeois families for whom they work. A story about the wealthy and the poor that reflects the meeting of two worlds in a singular space: a doorway to Acacias 38. This building in a bourgeois neighborhood of a Spanish city is the setting for the adventures of the different characters: the Serna family, the Álvarez- Hermoso, the Hidalgo, the Palacios, their maids and their neighbors.由Venancio,Muro,Inés,Aldea,Alba,Brunet,Ana,del,Rey,Aria,Bedmar等主演。

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